Scarves to Suit Your Colouring

With winter grey skies and the need to wrap up warm, why not brighten up your coat with a scarf to suit your colouring?

If you know what your dominant colouring is, you can easily find scarves to suit it under our Collections tab. But if you aren't sure, here is a quick run through of each of the Dominant colour types, with a scarf and mini accessory capsule suggestion.

Light Colouring

Light women have fair hair, light blonde or white, they have light blue or green eyes and porcelain skin, their overall appearance is delicate.

For light colouring I have chosen the Lilac Butterfly scarf and a Brescia bag and fine wool scarf in blues.

Deep Colouring

Deep women have dark brown to black hair, dark brown eyes and skin that could be dark or pale. Their overall look is strong.

For Deep colouring I have chosen the Navy and Purple Fern scarf and the Casalina bag and animal stripe scarf.

Warm Colouring

There will be some evidence of red or auburn in your hair. It may be in a colour range from the lightest strawberry blonde to rich dark auburn. You may have blue, green or brown eyes. There may be lots of freckles but it’s always the auburn hair you see first! Their overall look is golden.

For Warm colouring I have chosen the Large Flower Scarf in Coral and the Salerno bag and cream poppy scarf.

Cool Colouring

Cool women will have sliver or ash blonde hair and sometimes black, she has blue or grey eyes, and pink cheeks, there is an absence of warm to her skin. Their overall look is cool and steely.

For Cool colouring I have chosen the Purple Marguerite Scarf and the Como handbag and cashmere scarf in blues and purple.

Soft Colouring

You are neither a Light type nor a Deep type. You may describe your own colouring as ‘mousy’. You will have neither very blonde nor the darkest of brown hair. Your eyes will vary from brown to hazel, grey green and blue grey. Your overall look is muted and blended, with no great contrast between the hair, eyes and skin.

For Soft colouring I have chosen the Pink Lily scarf and the Salerno handbag and leaves and flowers scarf in teal.

Bright Colouring

The bright or clear woman will have medium to dark brown hair, their eyes will be bright blue or green and a dominant feature, their skin will be pale and fresh looking. Their overall look has a lot of contrast between the pale skin dark hair and bright jewel like eyes.

For Bright colouring I have chosen the Watercolour Poppy scarf and Verona handbag and fine wool scarf in pink and red.

For more information on discovering which colours suit you, visit Looking Stylish and download your free colour tip sheet.